National East

Mafaz Prosthetics Orthotics for amputees and physically-challenge people

Mafaz Medical Jordan

شركة مفاز & الأطراف الاصطناعية & والجبائر الأردن

شركة المشرق والمغرب العربي لصناعة الأجهزة المنزلية الأردن.

Mashreq & Maghreb Household Appliances Industry CO Jordan.

WASHING MACHINE Offer Sale WASHING MACHINE Offer Sale National Blue & National East Up to 20% Off
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 Air Fans Offer Sale Air Fans Offer Sale National East Up to 20% Off
Air Fans
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Refrigerator Offer Sale Refrigerator Offer Sale shop now Up to 20% Off
National East

National East Water Cooler

  1. The color is Silver Steel
  2. taps cold and hot water
  3. Long Jumbo Stand
  4. Water preservative

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National Blue Vacuum Cleaner

  1. 2500 watt
  2. Barrel
  3. Color is black